Trustees & Staff
- Mr Andrew G McKenzie, Chair, Dip. Ap. Sci. Ag. Dip. Fin. Pl. (SIA) Grad Dip Bus Mgt.
- Mr Rob Anderson, Dip.Bus, CPA, GAICD
- Ms Nicole R Butera, B.Acc, CA, Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Mr Philip L Endersbee, OAM, B.Bus
- Ms Jen A Grindrod, B.A., B.Sc., GAICD
- Mr William R Lawson, B.A. MTeach
- Mr Trevor R Thomas, B.E. (Hons), M.B.A.
- Mr Jeremy J Smith, BA LLB (Hons)
We respectfully request that you do not send individual invitations addressed to each of our Trustees. We ask that you send one invitation addressed to “The Trustees of the John T Reid Charitable Trusts” and our office staff will ensure it is forwarded to the appropriate Trustee.
- Ms Emma L Edmonds, Executive Officer, B.A (Hons), GCert Sustainability, GCert Information Studies
- Ms Suzanne T Griffin, Administration Manager, B.Comn, Cert ProjMgt